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Jeroen van der Sluijs  Popular
Description: Personal Page Jeroen van der Sluijs at Depatrment of Science Technology and Society, Utrecht University
Added on: 11-Oct-2001 Hits: 7222
Category: Personal homepages

Transdisciplinarity net  Popular
Description: Network for Transdisciplinarity in Sciences and Humanities
Added on: 28-Sep-2004 Hits: 5270
Category: Research groups and projects

Roger Strand  Popular
Description: Prof. dr. Roger Strand
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 5085
Category: Personal homepages

PABE  Popular
Description: Public Perceptions of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Europe
EC commisioned project conducted during 1998-2000, by an inter-disciplinary research team from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. It aimed to provide intelligence about social, ethical and cultural factors shaping public responses to GM foods.
Added on: 30-May-2002 Hits: 4805
Category: Extended peer involvement

Forum on Science and Technology for Sustainability  Popular
Description: Seeks to facilitate information exchange and discussion among growing and diverse group of individuals, institutions and networks engaged in the evolving field of science & technology for sustainability. Aims to provide access to emerging ideas, relevant activities, key documents and web sites.
Added on: 17-Jul-2002 Hits: 4511
Category: Sustainability

Adaptation and Impacts Research Group (Environment Canada)  Popular
Description: The Adaptation and Impacts Research Group (AIRG) works within the Atmospheric and Science Climate Directorate - a branch of the Atmospheric Environment Service (AES) of Environment Canada. The AIR Group was established in April 1994 and currently has staff at four locations across Canada: AES Headquarters in Downsview, Ontario; the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto; the Sustainable Development Research Institute at the University of British Columbia; and the Faculty of Environmental Studies at the University of Waterloo.
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4452
Category: Research groups and projects

Bruce Beck  Popular
Description: Homepage Dr. Michael Bruce Beck
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4437
Category: Personal homepages

KAM: Knowledge Assessment Methodologies (EC-JRC, Ispra)  Popular
Description: Key research themes:
  • Science and Governance
  • Quality Assurance and Pedigree
  • Postnormal Science
  • Participatory Integrated Assessment

Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4421
Category: Research groups and projects

Ângela Guimarães Pereira  Popular
Description: Home page Ângela Guimarães Pereira
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4412
Category: Personal homepages

Arthur C. Petersen  Popular
Description: Arthur C. Petersen
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Philosophy of Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
From January 1, 2002 he will work at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) as a senior social scientist focusing on societal aspects of uncertainties in environmental science.
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4305
Category: Personal homepages

ULYSSES  Popular
Description: ULYSSES - short for Urban LifestYles, SuStainability, and Integrated Environmental ASsessment - has been an innovative European research program (commissioned by EC DG XII, part of the Fourth Framework program) which has developed a procedure for citizen participation in Integrated Assessment (IA). The procedure comprises a discursive process based on the focus group method. The citizens debate climate policy and sustainable development, and they have been given access to state-of-the-art Integrated Assessment Models to support their debates.
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4251
Category: Extended peer involvement

ULYSSES voyage in VENICE  Popular
Description: Six groups of voyagers engaged in the adventure of a ‘ULYSSES’, so called The Odyssey… They were accompanied by other more experienced travellers that had imagined the whole Odyssey as a voyage with at least 3 destinations:
  • information and communication technology
  • lifestyles and regional futures
  • extreme events and climate change

Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4187
Category: Extended peer involvement

Jerry Ravetz  Popular
Description: Home Page Dr. Jerry Ravetz, RMC London
Added on: 11-Oct-2001 Hits: 4123
Category: Personal homepages

APPST Applied Statistics Sector at EC-JRC, Ispra (Andrea Saltelli)  Popular
Description: The APPST sector is active in fields where applied statistics can be applied to econometric, financial and environmental problems. The main customers of this activitiy are the Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), the statistical office of the EU (EUROSTAT), the EU Central Bank (ECB), the EU Investment Bank (BEI). The group also participates in several projects of the 5th Framework programme.
Added on: 08-Nov-2001 Hits: 4110
Category: Research groups and projects

James J. Kay  Popular
Description: Homepage James J. Kay
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4044
Category: Personal homepages

DICTUM  Popular
Description: DICTUM is a French project using the NUSAP scheme (site in French): De l'usage Démocratique des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la CommunicaTion pour promouvoir l'Utilisation durable des écosystèMes et des ressources du vivant (Martin 'OConnor et al.)
Added on: 17-Oct-2001 Hits: 4043
Category: NUSAP related links

Silvio Funtowicz  Popular
Description: Homepage Knowledge Assessment Methodologies group of Dr. Silvio Funtowicz
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4005
Category: Personal homepages

Serafin Corral Quintana  Popular
Description: Homepage Serafin Corral Quintana
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 4001
Category: Personal homepages

VISIONS: advantures into the future  Popular
Description: The VISIONS Project (Integrated Visions for a Sustainable Europe) was a three-year project which started in February 1998. It was funded by DG RTD of the European Commission through the 4th Framework Programme, Theme 4 Human Dimensions of Environmental Change (Contract no.: ENV4-CT97-0462).
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 3980
Category: Extended peer involvement

Risk Governance in Europe  Popular
Description: TRUSTNET is a pluralistic and interdisciplinary European network involved in the field of Risk Governance. The European Commission (DG RTD) supports the activities of TRUSTNET. The objective of TRUSTNET is to contribute to the quality of the decision-making processes within the governance of hazardous activities in Europe.
Added on: 28-Sep-2004 Hits: 3928
Category: Research groups and projects

Governance for sustainable human development  Popular
Description: Governance includes the state, but transcends it by taking in the private sector and civil society. All three are critical for sustaining human development. The state creates a conducive political and legal environment. The private sector generates jobs and income. And civil society facilitates political and social interaction - mobilising groups to participate in economic, social and political activities. Because each has weaknesses and strengths, a major objective of our support for good governance is to promote constructive interaction among all three.
Added on: 11-Jun-2002 Hits: 3881
Category: Extended peer involvement

David Waltner-Toews  Popular
Description: Homepage David Waltner-Toews
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 3823
Category: Personal homepages

Erle C. Ellis  Popular
Description: Homepage Dr. Erle C. Ellis
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography & Environmental Systems
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
A.B., Ph.D., Cornell University

Erle's work focuses on the ecological basis for sustainable nutrient management in human-managed ecosystems.
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 3772
Category: Personal homepages

The Dirk Gently Group  Popular
Description: The Dirk Gently Group: An International Working Group on Decision-Making in Complex Systems
Added on: 23-Nov-2001 Hits: 3679
Category: NUSAP related links

The ERICA project  Popular
Description: ERICA (Environmental Risk from Ionising Contaminants: Assessment and Management) is a research project within the EC 6th Framework Programme with the aim of providing an integrated approach to scientific, managerial and societal issues concerning the environmental effects of contaminants emitting ionising radiation, with emphasis on biota and ecosystems.
Added on: 17-Aug-2004 Hits: 3484
Category: Research groups and projects
