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Pedigree matrix for data quality

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Pedigree matrix for data quality used by (ORNL and RFF. 1994) in an exhaustive study of externalities of the coal fuel cycle for the US department of Energy. The same pedigree matrix was used in a similar Finish project (Hongisto, 1997).


Theoretical basis

Quality of data inputs for entry

Estimation method to generate entry

Estimation metric (proxy or indicator for what we want to measure)


Well understood and accepted theory Excellent Excellent Excellent


Good theory but one of competing theories Good Good Good


Weak theory, good empirical support Fair Fair Fair


Weak theory or concepts, controversial empirical suppor Poor Poor Poor


No theory or concepts Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable


Hongisto, M.1997. Assessment of External Costs of Power Production, A Commensurable Approach? paper presented at Total Cost Assessement - Recent Developments and Industrial Applications, Invitational Expert Seminar, Nauvo, Finland, June 15-17.

ORNL and RFF. 1994. Estimating Fuel Cycle Externalities: Analytical Methods and Issues, Report 2, prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Resources for the Future for the U.S. Department of Energy.


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