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  Data Quality Pedigree Calculator  Popular
Description: Microsoft Excel® 97 for Windows® workbook file, pedigree.xls, that supports the calculation of data quality pedigrees using the Microsoft Excel Visual Basic program referenced in Ellis et al. (2000).
This tool, developped by Erle Ellis et al. can be used to enter pedigrees for variables in standardized worksheets and to evaluate how the pedigree propagates in a calculation.
Includes interactive demonstration, examples and manuals.
Erle C. Ellis, Rong Gang Li, Lin Zhang Yang and Xu Cheng. 2000. Long-term Change in Village-Scale Ecosystems in China Using Landscape and Statistical Methods. Ecological Applications 10:1057-1073.
Version: Filesize: 0 bytes
Added on: 14-Oct-2001 Downloads: 4780 HomePage

  SIMLAB  Popular
Description: SimLab 1.1 is a free software package designed for Monte Carlo analysis developed at the Applied Statistics Group at the EC Joint Research Centre. SimLab is made of three modules. These modules cover all the activities of a Monte Carlo analysis.
1. The Statistical Pre Processor takes care that a range and distribution are selected for each input factor. These selections are used in the generation of a sample from the input factors. the first and second step of Monte Carlo analysis.
2. The Model Execution runs the model for each sample element.
3. The Statistical Post Processor takes care of the uncertainty analysis. One way to characterise the uncertainty is with a mean value and a variance. The Statistical Post Processor also performs the sensitivity analysis based on an exploration of the mapping from analysis input to analysis results.

Version: 1.1 Filesize: 0 bytes
Added on: 24-Nov-2001 Downloads: 4835 HomePage



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· Archived articles (06/19)

Past Articles
Monday, October 15 2007

· Towards a new paradigm of science in scientific policy advising

Wednesday, April 11 2007

· Post Normal Science, working deliberatively within imperfections

Monday, July 31 2006

· e-KAM SCHOOL E-Learning Course On Knowledge Assessment & Extended Participation

Monday, September 26 2005

· Global Systems Failures

Tuesday, July 19 2005

· The Precautionary Principle

Sunday, February 27 2005

· The Post-Normal Times

Friday, February 25 2005

· Interactive Web application of Uncertainty Guidance instruments

Wednesday, October 20 2004

· Uncertainty and Precaution in Environmental Management: insights from UPEM

Wednesday, September 01 2004


Wednesday, August 25 2004

· Short Course Model Uncertainty Analysis (13-14 October 2004)

Wednesday, July 28 2004

· Summer school on sensitivity analysis in Venice

Wednesday, May 26 2004

· Course: Genetic engineering; Connecting science, risk and communities

Tuesday, April 27 2004

· Uncertainty and Precaution in Environmental Management (UPEM 2004)

Monday, April 26 2004

· New book on sensitivity analysis

Tuesday, March 16 2004

· Uncertainty assessment of NOx, SO2 and NH3 emissions in the Netherlands

Wednesday, March 03 2004

· Safety Paradoxes - revised
· Towards Guidance in Assessing and Communicating Uncertainties

Saturday, November 29 2003

· Professor Poul Harremoës died

Monday, August 04 2003

· Towards a synthesis of qualitative and quantitative uncertainty assessment

Monday, July 21 2003

· Workshop: Interfaces between science and society, 27-28 nov 2003, Milano

Monday, June 23 2003

· RIVM/MNP guidance for uncertainty assessment and communication

Thursday, June 12 2003

· Workshop: Uncertainty in environmental health risk science and policy

Saturday, May 17 2003

· Mini sysmposium:
The management of uncertainty in risk science and policy

Tuesday, January 28 2003

· Symposium: Uncertainty and Precaution in Environmental Management (June 2004)

Tuesday, November 05 2002

· Ruskin and the Scientists

Tuesday, October 29 2002

· The Precautionary Principle, Knowledge Uncertainty, and Environmental Assessment

Monday, October 07 2002

· MUST Session at November FP6 conference

Thursday, September 12 2002

· Safety in the Globalising Knowledge Economy

Wednesday, June 19 2002

· One day free course on Sensitivity Analysis at the JRC - Ispra.

Friday, June 07 2002

· Conference announcement: Foresight

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